Nutritional Guidance and Supplement Counseling
Naturopathic Doctors are trained to use your symptoms as a guide to the true cause of the problem with your health. We support our clients' health by using specific testing to identify the patient’s nutritional needs. We are often asked, “Can I check my nutrient or nutritional status through a simple blood test?” Yes, there are numerous ways, both conventional and alternative medical labs offer such testing through different methods. These tests can be extremely useful in identifying nutritional deficiencies. Naturopathic Doctors may recommend diet changes and/or specific nutritional supplementation that are specific to your needs.
Naturopathic Doctors can customize your food and nutrition plan to:
Remove food sensitivities and intolerances
Improve BMI (body mass index) by Increasing lean muscle mass and losing fat mass.
Use food as medicine to heal existing health conditions
Enhance the intake of nutrients the body is deficient in.
To participate in the 21-Day Reboot Cleanse, talk to Dr. Patel at your next visit.